Tuesday, September 11, 2012

From Pastor Randy's Sermon:  

Very often we look to see God in our lives when we need something done, need to be mended in certain ways and we turn to Christ, like many who turned to Jesus in his life, to hopefully find words and actions of healing.  This is an important dimension for us as Christians, to know that Christ is always there for us, always present for us.  However, keeping only this view of God, lends us to live our lives in relationship to God only when we need something.  The call of our discipleship, however, is to see God alive in our hearts, and to give witness to the grace of God to those we encounter. 

From Pamela:  
One of the terms used in spiritual direction is "consolation".  The term refers to the experience of God's presence.  It is the moment when we notice that something is going on that compels us to look at what is happening with an understanding that more is happening than what first meets the eye.  This moment may be surprising -- it may even be miraculous.  Suddenly the ordinary life seems extraordinary.  We pause in awe or in a tenderness of the heart's awakening to love, comfort, peace or clarity.  

These moments are given.  We can't choreograph them or create them ourselves.  However, what we can do, and sadly often do, is fixate upon what we deem important.  We make decisions and choices that divert our attention from the promise that Christ is always with us.  God's Holy Spirit meanders through our days inviting us to look at everything with compassion and gratitude.  With that attitude, then, we set aside our tendency to judge situations and people.  Judgement and critique can limit our capacity to be open to all that is happening.  

Consolation softens our hearts.  Consolation opens our minds.  Our eyes see and our ears hear the miraculous inbreaking of God in Christ saying:  Peace, I am here!

Where can YOU look to see Christ today?  Where or with whom are you approaching a point where YOU are seeing the limit of what YOU think is possible?  How might you pray to be open to seeing or experiencing "more"?

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