Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Some observations from Worship Matters Discussion following Sunday's Worship

 I wanted to add a comment about something that I heard in the sermon.   PR said that we see Jesus, this nourishing Bread of Life in the people sitting next to us.   That so loudly resonated with me..........over the past few weeks I have completely supported by Jesus working through the people at CRLC.   The meals, calls, cards, the smiles from everyone at church when I see them.   It shines through......    So many times I think people stop coming to church when they are having problems because they are concerned they will be transparent......if they only knew what support waits there.    Just wanted to share this thought.    Linda Eckenbrecht 

On another note:  We talked about the words spoken by Elijah:  "I am no better than my ancestors"   When you think about your ancestry as a family or as a congregation, it seems easy to set ourselves apart from them or, in some cases above them.  Yet, as Elijah experienced his life, even as a chosen prophet, his lament was: Ah, I am no better than my ancestors.  What does that say to us?  

We talked about the beauty of the openness of our congregation with regard to the many ways people worship.  Some make the sign of the cross, some bow, some fold their hands as they pray, others pray with hands open.  Some receive the common cup, some intinct, some take the small communion cups.  The point is, we welcome a variety of "pieties" to worship!  

Finally, we noticed that Bishop Eaton was in our midst -- she was there to be fed -- to worship.  She was not there in her official capacity (which is why many of us didn't event notice she was there.)  She stayed for the "Worship Matters" discussion.  She expressed her gratitude for the way she experienced nourishment as she worshipped with us.   Her gratitude led us to ask the question:  How do rostered leaders "receive" the spiritual nourishment they need?   Pastors and rostered leaders will seek and find places where they can "worship" without leading -- but congregation members are called and have promised to pray for pastors, associates in ministry, deaconesses and bishops as well.  Those prayers are powerful and they are appreciated!  

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